January 18th, 2023
Today is Wednesday, this morning I worked from home for the very first time in my internship. Working from home was an option from the start because all the work is on a computer anyway but I rather go into the office just because I focus better there and can ask Stan or Claire any questions I have (most the time they are at the office).
Do you have any regrets so far? One regret I have is not being proactive enough. I think that the internship project workload is not too hard, especially with two people to work on the project and so I am sometimes bored and left with "nothing to do" but reflecting on the past 10 days I can see that there are other ways that I can keep myself busy while still working on the project. One example I can think of is a brainstorming spreadsheet where I can add any possible ideas, products, links etc. and I have not engaged enough with it. One theory I have of where my behavior comes from is that at school the work we are doing has, for the most part, very clear parameters but for my internship project we kind of have to start from scratch, the parameters are more loose and I have less guidance. I think more experience with this type of work is very important for me to develop as a student and thinker. I have realized that I am very close minded and indecisive sometimes and would rather not do something wrong then to problem solve on my own and make a few mistakes. For the rest of my internship I will strive to try and be more proactive when it comes to brainstorming, asking questions, problem solving and planning out my own mini course of action for the project.
What would you do differently if you could start internship over? I think if I asked better questions a the start of the internship I could better understand my internship project and its purpose.
Who benefits from the work that you do at internship? Anyone who lives in or travels through the southwest community of San Diego will hopefully benefit from the work I do at my internship. How and/or why? Through beautification near main routes of mobility I hope people will enjoy their daily travels and be empowered to choose clean mobility. The addition of bike racks near businesses and public parks will give more access and means of clean transportation to people in the community. The planting of trees near walkways will provide shade to people walking, biking or waiting for the bus.
Below are some pictures Abril took of Mount Hope Community Garden. We went there to meet with people from Project New Village (the CBO that manages the garden) to talk about their participation in the Pueblo Planning Project.